In Our Time: The Estruscan Civilisation
The Etruscans were one of the other cultures to live in Italy in the 1st Millenium BCE. They are often overlooked in favour of the Romans (who conquered them), but they were a power in their day and...
View Article"The Middle East: The Cradle of Civilisation Revealed" Stephen Bourke (Part 6)
The last part of the Mesopotamia chapter in this book covers the Third Dynasty of Ur, which was a Sumerian empire that arose a short time after the fall of the Akkadian Empire. The book doesn't give...
View ArticleIn Our Time: The Roman Republic
The Roman Republic was the subject of an In Our Time episode all the way back in 2004 - we listened to it last August while there weren't any new In Our Times airing. It's a pretty broad subject for a...
View Article"The Middle East: The Cradle of Civilisation Revealed" Stephen Bourke (Part 7)
After the collapse of the Ur III Dynasty in the Middle East around 2000 BCE the region fragmented into several different rival states which fought amongst themselves trying to establish overall...
View ArticleIn Our Time: Perpetual Motion
Perpetual motion would be a wonderful thing, if only it were possible - being able to set some machine going and then it would power itself and just carry on & on without end. Free energy from...
View Article"The Middle East: The Cradle of Civilisation Revealed" Stephen Bourke (Part 8)
The next section of this chapter of the Middle East book covers the second half of the 2nd Millennium BCE and focuses on the kingdoms in the west of the region - for instance the Hittites & the...
View ArticleIn Our Time: Holbein at the Tudor Court
Hans Holbein the Younger was one of the foremost portrait painters to work in England during the Tudor period (and perhaps ever), and it's his paintings that shape how we see the court of Henry VIII....
View Article"The Mechanisms and Practice of Egyptian Tomb Robbery: A View from Ancient...
At the beginning of April Nigel Strudwick came to the Essex Egyptology Group to talk to us about tomb robbers. He said that the origins of this particular talk were in trying to understand why most of...
View Article"Historical Egypt in Photographs" Marcel Maessen (EEG Meeting Talk)
For the May meeting of the Essex Egyptology Group Marcel Maessen, one of the founders of the t3.wy Foundation, came to talk to us about the history of photography as it relates to Egypt &...
View ArticleIn Our Time: The Empire of Mali
The Empire of Mali flourished between 1200 & 1600 CE, in sub-Saharan West Africa. At one point the Empire was so wealthy that when its ruler, Mansa Musa, travelled through Egypt on his Hajj he...
View Article"Seeking Senenmut: Statues, Status and Scandal" Campbell Price (EEG Meeting...
At the beginning of June Campbell Price, the curator of Egypt and Sudan at Manchester Museum, came to talk to the Essex Egyptology Group about one of the senior officials in Pharaoh Hatshepsut's court:...
View ArticleCelts: Art and Identity (British Museum Exhibition)
At the end of 2015 the British Museum put on an exhibition about the Celts, looking at both the original culture in its historical context and the way it was later re-imagined. The overall take home...
View Article"The Middle East: The Cradle of Civilisation Revealed" Stephen Bourke (Part 9)
The last part of this chapter of the Middle East book covers the end of the 2nd Millennium BCE, it first looks at the return of Assyria as a power in the region. Then it talks about Bronze Age Collapse...
View Article"Howard Carter: An Alternative View of the Man Through His Art" Lee Young...
At the beginning of this month Lee Young came to the Essex Egyptology Group to talk about Howard Carter as an artist (rather than as an archaeologist). She is an independent researcher associated with...
View Article"Inside the Step Pyramid" Vincent Oeters (EEG Meeting Talk)
At the November meeting of the Essex Egyptology Group Vincent Oeters talked to us about the Step Pyramid of Djoser - in particular the inside of it. He doesn't himself work on the Step Pyramid, but...
View ArticleEEG Trip to Manchester Museum, November 2016
In November last year the Essex Egyptology Group organised a trip to Manchester to visit the museum there and to get a behind the scenes tour of the Egyptian collections from Campbell Price, the...
View Article"Ancient Egyptian Jewellery" Carol Andrews (EEG Meeting Talk)
In February Carol Andrews came to talk to the Essex Egyptology Group about Ancient Egyptian jewellery - in particular that worn by women. She structured her talk as an overview of the various types of...
View Article"Mighty in Waking and Great in Sleeping: the History of Beds in Ancient...
At the beginning of April Manon Y. Schutz came to talk to us at the Essex Egyptology Group about beds in Ancient Egypt. She's a D.Phil student at Oxford University, and beds in an Ancient Egyptian...
View Article"Ancient Craft - Modern Science and The Evolution of Mummification" Robert D....
At the May meeting of the Essex Egyptology Group Robert Loynes talked to us about his work on Ancient Egyptian mummies. He's a retired orthopaedic surgeon who has subsequently achieved a PhD in...
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